
Showing posts from March, 2018

Reflection about a Chemistry Teacher in Grade 10

L esson: Redox Reactions Topic: Bloom's Taxonomy As we know, Bloom classified levels of thinking into six: 1- Remember 2- Understand 3- Apply 4- Analyze 5- Evaluate 6- Create After observing the explanation of this Chemistry teacher, it was clear that the teacher has followed “Bloom’s Taxonomy” in presenting the lesson for the class. This stands for the levels of thinking of both “teacher and students”. When the teacher started with a new type of reactions which was “redox”, he was aware to recall the definition of a reaction. What is a reaction? So by this way the teacher depend on the first level of thinking “knowledge” . In addition, when the teacher explained the method of calculation for the oxidation number of Cr in Cr 2 O 7 2- . The teacher asked a student to rephrase the method (how we get the oxidation number of Cr) in his own words. By this strategy, the teacher was following the second level of thinking “comprehension” . When the ideas

Reflection about a Mathematics Teacher in Grade 10

Lesson: Absolute Value Approximation Topic: Clarity As we know, the teacher behavior in "Clarity" is divided into five functions: 1- Framing the Learning 2- Presenting Information 3- Creating Mental Engagement 4- Getting Inside Students' Heads (Cognitive Empathy) 5- Consolidating and Anchoring the Learning And each function holds many main titles and subtitles. Based on my observation, it was shown that the teacher was working on achieving “Clarity” in his lesson. He had a great emphasis on being clear in his teaching process to reach the desired academic aims. This was shown in stating the objective of the mathematics lesson “How to Find the Absolute Value of Certain Functions?” at the beginning of the lecture which falls under the title “Communicating the Objective”. Also, when the students complained from some parts in the homework, he told them that this lecture will be a solving session to remove the vagueness in some parts. This reminds us with “Exp

Reflection about a Chemistry Teacher in Grade 10

Lesson: Ions Topic: Elements of Cooperative Learning As we know, there are five basic elements of cooperative learning: 1- Face-to-face Interaction 2- Positive Interdependence 3- Individual Accountability 4- Social Skills 5- Processing Taking the third element into consideration, when talking about "promoting individual accountability" it is directly linked to "motivation" which can be build in many ways which are: 1- Success 2- Concern 3- Interest 4- Meaning 5- Knowledge of Results 6- Positive Feeling Tone I t was clear the Chemistry teacher  in Majdal Anjar official high school was trying to motivate his students through several ways and this has accounted for “Promoting Individual Accountability”. When the teacher involved the whole class to solve in pairs, solve on the board, share ideas, and offering help by giving hints, this let all students to have the sense of involvement. Also, it was shown that the teacher started the idea with si

Reflection About Mathematics Teacher in Grade 11

Lesson: Functions Topic: Teacher's Beliefs As we know, the teacher has six beliefs about intelligence, about learning, about teachers and teaching and about schools and schooling. It appeared to me that the Mathematics teacher in Majdal Anjar official high school has some beliefs about teaching-learning processes. He did not interrupt the students while solving on the board even if something is wrong, giving them the enough time to think, analyze and modify to reach the right answer. And when finishing, the teacher gives a feedback about their work. The teacher followed such strategy since he believes that everyone can get smart and that by effort (working on practice). This reminds us with belief: 1 “Beliefs about Intelligence and Children’s Capacity to Learn”. Moreover, he recalled the idea of “fractions” before explain the domain of a nominator and dominator, he is trying to stimulate the background information of students. So by their prior knowledge, t

Role of Teachers in Dealing With Dyslexia Disorder

How to deal with dyslectic students? Teachers may have students with dyslexia disorder in their classes, so they should know how to deal with these students in order to engage these students in the academic and social processes. Several techniques and strategies are used to help people with dyslexia. These include taping lectures rather than writing notes, listening to books on tape rather than reading them, using flash cards, and using computer software to check spelling and grammar . Also the teacher can make and create an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). This will provide classroom accommodations and extra supp ort to facilitate learning. The teacher may even research summer or weekend reading programs (Alli, 2017) . Also the teacher could provide multisensory experiences for students related to each book that they read, such as using stories and coloring pages. Moreover, choose rhyming books with high repetition of words and phrases. We can also play with them sound matching

Reflection About a Chemistry Teacher in Grade 10

Lesson: Electron Configuration Topic: Types of Knowledge As we know, the teacher knowledge is of four types which are: 1- Knowledge of Content 2- Pedagogical Knowledge 3- General  Pedagogical Knowledge 4- Knowledge of Learners and Learning Based on my observation, it appeared for me that a Chemistry teacher in Majdal Anjar official high school has a professional knowledge in the way of her explanation for the lesson, it was clear that she knows more than the basics where when she was explaining the concept of "electron configuration" depending on the diagonal rule, she said that it is possible to know the electron configuration of the elements from the periodic table rather than this rule, to be discussed later. Moreover, it's good from the teacher to relate the discussed content with other topics in which she ensured the use of "Lewis-dot symbol" in the next chapter under the title "Ions". In addition to the professional transition signal

Chemistry Book Improvement

There are certain recommendations that should be taken into consideration to make the official  Chemistry book for grade nine with higher quality and achieve a high level in teaching-learning process. Here are some that is good to do and follow: 1-       Authors of the book should always be ready for an updated version, they must take into account the weak points and submit them to certain editions and changes to make the book more appropriate and interesting. (Scott Willis, 2000) 2-       Give the overview of each unit and chapter enough time to discuss when starting with any new topic, so that the teacher is setting the students in the case of critical thinking and excitement to know what the topic is going to be about. 3-       It is not professional to have a lot of useless information in each chapter, cancel the sections, subtopics, data and figures from the curriculum that are not covered by the teacher every year. It is not about “coverage-focused”, it is about quality

Importance of Education in Chemistry

Education plays a vital role to a productive, good life. It improves the value and excellence of one’s life as well. How so? The answer is that with good education, poverty can be overcame. By getting a college degree, you are able to get satisfying job that pays well. Because of your salary, you will be able to afford a good home, clothing, food, and other necessities of life. Having a    degree also enhances to make you a good parent. Studies have shown that mothers who have         gone to school have healthier, better-nourished children, who are most likely to succeed. Also,        women who marry and went through school and go to college, give birth for fewer kids, working   to have an improved parental care. Education motivates self-assurance and provides us with the things we need. It makes us more independent and aware of what is going on in the world today, it lets us to have an awareness for opportunities and rights. It is about offering a greater understandi

Disrupting Poverty: Five Powerful Classroom Practices

The aim of such webinar is to enhance our understanding of how to disrupt the influence of poverty and learning. Also to be better prepared to better meet the needs of underachieving students who live in poverty. It is shown that understanding the theories which guide the practice of teachers who know how to deal with students living in poverty has the same importance of understanding the teaching techniques these teachers use. Such teachers use to follow five powerful practices to deal with this issue. And they can be summarized as the following: 1- Cultivating Caring Relationships: This is by increasing student effort and engagement, promoting resiliency and improving academic achievement. 2- Holding High Expectations: This is by separating firstly between empathy and sympathy and being a teacher who believe in her/his students that can achieve at high levels. A teacher that maintains close physical proximity and uses positive nonverbal communication 3- Committing to Equi