Role of Teachers in Dealing With Dyslexia Disorder

How to deal with dyslectic students?

Teachers may have students with dyslexia disorder in their classes, so they should know how to deal with these students in order to engage these students in the academic and social processes. Several techniques and strategies are used to help people with dyslexia. These include taping lectures rather than writing notes, listening to books on tape rather than reading them, using flash cards, and using computer software to check spelling and grammar. Also the teacher can make and create an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). This will provide classroom accommodations and extra support to facilitate learning. The teacher may even research summer or weekend reading programs (Alli, 2017). Also the teacher could provide multisensory experiences for students related to each book that they read, such as using stories and coloring pages. Moreover, choose rhyming books with high repetition of words and phrases. We can also play with them sound matching games. For example, say, “Let’s think of as many things as we can that start with Mmmm.” Your student might say “Mouse, moo, milk.” If your student has difficulty, give him or her clues. Say: “We drink mmmmm.” Wait two seconds and then provide the answer (“milk”). Try to complete a lesson at one sitting. An incomplete lesson is entirely lost for them. If this is not possible, then provide a written summary, extra time during the same day to answer the student's questions or find ways to teach the complete lesson in one sitting. Mind maps should be used for all subjects. Dyslexics understand many concepts more completely when presented in mind maps and diagrams.

Image result for solutions for dealing dyslexia


  1. Interesting topic, since students with special needs or certain disabilities can learn too if we educated ourselves on how to deal with them in order to give them what they really need.


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