Chemistry Book Improvement

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There are certain recommendations that should be taken into consideration to make the official  Chemistry book for grade nine with higher quality and achieve a high level in teaching-learning process. Here are some that is good to do and follow:
1-      Authors of the book should always be ready for an updated version, they must take into account the weak points and submit them to certain editions and changes to make the book more appropriate and interesting. (Scott Willis, 2000)

2-      Give the overview of each unit and chapter enough time to discuss when starting with any new topic, so that the teacher is setting the students in the case of critical thinking and excitement to know what the topic is going to be about.

3-      It is not professional to have a lot of useless information in each chapter, cancel the sections, subtopics, data and figures from the curriculum that are not covered by the teacher every year. It is not about “coverage-focused”, it is about quality and not quantity. (Scott Willis, 2000)

4-      Rearrange the units in a different order, units that are somehow hard and rich in information, it is better to teach them in the first midyear where students are still energetic and fresh.

5-      All units must be taught at the same level, it is not logic to pass through a certain unit quickly pretending that it is not important.

6-      Various educational materials must be provided and given a lot of concern in the activities, aiming to make the view of a scientific issue more obvious for students when presenting a video, film or other tools. Such way must be considered an effective mean for achieving better understanding and not something that wastes time. (Hannele Hiemi, 2002)

7-      Subjective questions that are with same structure and level of that offered in the official exams must be provided at the end of each chapter. By this, students will not need guides and the public school book will be their main source. Plus to the flexibility they will have with long questions (simple questions are the key for understanding but they are not sufficient).

8-      Many visits for industrial companies can be done to let students gain more experience and be able to relate what they learn academically with real-daily life.

9-      Making some classes in the laboratory to achieve the real understanding for experiments, materials, chemicals and equipment. As a Chemistry student, knowing how to work safely in the lab is substantial. (Beasley, W.F, 1985)

10-  Working on the social skills by depending on cooperative learning must be done, where both academic and social skills must be established in teaching-learning process. By this, working in groups will be performed effectively. (David W, 1990)

11-  Chapters of the book must be organized in various formats, it is good to be familiar with many methods of teaching where the diversity in the educational systems is powerful. It is not effective to be limited to one model in teaching, changes must be done to motivate students perform well. (Eric Gill, 2013)


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