Reflection About a Chemistry Teacher in Grade 10

Lesson: Electron Configuration

Topic: Types of Knowledge

As we know, the teacher knowledge is of four types which are:

1- Knowledge of Content
2- Pedagogical Knowledge
3- General Pedagogical Knowledge
4- Knowledge of Learners and Learning

Based on my observation, it appeared for me that a Chemistry teacher in Majdal Anjar official high school has a professional knowledge in the way of her explanation for the lesson, it was clear that she knows more than the basics where when she was explaining the concept of "electron configuration" depending on the diagonal rule, she said that it is possible to know the electron configuration of the elements from the periodic table rather than this rule, to be discussed later. Moreover, it's good from the teacher to relate the discussed content with other topics in which she ensured the use of "Lewis-dot symbol" in the next chapter under the title "Ions". In addition to the professional transition signal the teacher has, she moved from one idea to another in a logic clear way. Also, she linked the two lectures to ensure the continuity in ideas and that by making a quick review for the atom including the structure and characteristics before starting with the idea of electron configuration. These actions correspond for the first type of knowledge which is known as "knowledge of content".

The teacher has an excellent way to present the topic where she depends on an open-ended question to introduce the "Lewis-dot symbol", her law with the students was not to answer unless she asks and that to allow the participation of all students regularly. She aimed to make the information easy in which the logic method for delivering ideas was to talk about the concept in general, explain it in a detailed way, make some practices to emphasize the idea. This reminds us with the second type of knowledge which is "pedagogical knowledge".

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