Reflection on Educational Technology

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1- Google Drive: A google drive is a very beneficial tool in teaching. By using it, there will be no need to send the documents via mails or to make a save every time we use. With the drive, we are able to upload files and share them with others. With the drive, there is no need for a flash memory to use in which it can be opened anytime and anywhere in the presence of internet.

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2- Google Docs: Google docs are useful tools in teaching where we are able to edit the Microsoft docs and save them on our drive. Google forms that underlie within the  same title (docs) are also helpful in education where we can test our students by making quizzes on the computer and asking questions using different versions such as MCQs, T/F, short answers, long answers.. And it is special in giving a feedback easily by stating the answers key resulting with a grade after making a correction.

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3- Blog:
A blog is a website that can be created by anyone easily especially educators to express themselves. And this can be done by stating our own reflections about any topic we are interested in, sharing our thoughts and work with others and followers are able to comment easily. Such thing makes a kind of communication among people about educational and useful issues.
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4- Webinar: A webinar is an online registration for any topic that looks interesting for us, it allows for communication between the presenter and a huge number of audiences (educators). It is useful also in the questions that are asked during the show. Gaining knowledge and information while sitting in front of your screen in worth to reach in education.

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5- Padlet: A padlet is an interesting tool in posting and sharing our thoughts about education. It is good for stating information about everything we prefer. Modifying the colors and making some decorations for anything we share add a sense of specialty for such application. It is exciting when we make an interaction for our classmates’ writing (like, dislike, rate, grade…). Moreover, it is nice because it can open on our phones by copying the link and sending it on WhatApp.

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6- Poster: A poster is a mean for presenting a topic and making it interesting by mentioning the main points in phrases (no sentences). By using a poster in our presentations and projects, we will be able to cover the information within a short time (for example: 10 minutes) which is professional to make and depend on. It can be made by the use of the power point (slides) or by downloading a template and changing its size, background, and color.

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7- WebQuest: A web quest is a useful mean in teaching where educational links are used to guide our students to know what tasks they must do and that by going to the correct source easily and thus avoiding their lost. It is about letting the students present the lesson in their own but sure after following their teacher's instructions.

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  8- Rubistar: A rubistar is a useful tool for getting rubrics without wasting time on developing a one during the evaluation part. The nice of it is that we have the option to choose the criteria for assessment within minutes. Such rubrics can be used for many researches and projects.

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9- ActivInspire: An activeinspire is used for teaching purposes, it is similar for the power point (presentation purposes) but the difference is that here we deal with pages and not with slides. It is important to make practices on it since our schools nowadays have active boards, so we will be more confident when we know how it is used. Also, it has a sense of fun when learning its new skills and strategies that are used in making a lesson explanation.

10-Kahoot: The interesting of this activity is the sense of challenge that it creates in the class where each question is given a time and each answer is scored, such strategy will make all students engaged in thinking and solving. Also, it can be used by students to make self-assessment.


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