Reflection about a Chemistry Teacher in Grade 10

Lesson: Redox Reactions

Topic: Bloom's Taxonomy

As we know, Bloom classified levels of thinking into six:
1- Remember
2- Understand
3- Apply
4- Analyze
5- Evaluate
6- Create
After observing the explanation of this Chemistry teacher, it was clear that the teacher has followed “Bloom’s Taxonomy” in presenting the lesson for the class. This stands for the levels of thinking of both “teacher and students”. When the teacher started with a new type of reactions which was “redox”, he was aware to recall the definition of a reaction. What is a reaction? So by this way the teacher depend on the first level of thinking “knowledge”.
In addition, when the teacher explained the method of calculation for the oxidation number of Cr in Cr2O72- . The teacher asked a student to rephrase the method (how we get the oxidation number of Cr) in his own words. By this strategy, the teacher was following the second level of thinking “comprehension”.

When the ideas were stated clear in a detailed way for students, it is the time to have a solving session including the indication of the oxidation number of various molecules, then going to another question about stating whether the reaction is redox or not and this is based on indicating the oxidation number of the reactants and products firstly. Such practice refer to “application”, the third level of thinking in Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Then the teacher suggested for students to create a question designed in the way as the previous ones. The given was to make a reaction between Mg and CO2. So in this way, students will be able to generate a question including the main ideas of the discussed material. Such way refers to the fifth level of thinking “synthesis”.
People need to be professional in their work, completeness is never reached. But everyone must work more to reach high levels, a kind of idealism. This requires from the teacher to have different levels of thinking that are known by “Bloom’s Taxonomy”. As the Chemistry teacher uses these in her class, the teaching method becomes more unique and more effective. This leads for better results in education where students achieve more success. Following these levels of thinking benefit by helping the teacher in preparing the lesson for the students and in expressing the idea in a professional way. The more the teacher uses these levels of thinking in the teaching and learning process, the better results will be achieved in the class.
Image result for bloom taxonomy image


  1. It is very important to use Bloom's and Anderson's taxonomy when planning a lesson and the objectives. I wish every scientific material teacher use this taxonomy and see how would the students improve since by using it, every single detail is taken into consideration and the six levels are covered.


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